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Friendship is like a book. it takes a few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
Some people are like medicine. You can only take them in small doses.
Mark Zuckerberg introduces himself to China in this way: "Hi, am the founder of the website `Page Not Found`."
That awkward moment when you have to make up an excuse not to hang out with someone, because you`d rather chill at home.
Nerds rap: Math city bitch, math math city bitch, math city bitch, math math city bitch, 10, 10, 10 and 20 equals 50 bitch.
Its funny how day by day, nothing changes.. but when you look back, everything is different. ♥
I`ve changed? No... I just grew up. I stopped letting people push me around, I learned that I can`t always be happy, I accepted reality.
There is a difference between giving up, and knowing when you have had enough.
That awesome moment when you`re telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins you.
I always thought I was the only one to do stupid things. Until I joined TWITTER :D