Facebook status
If my room is clean, it means that FACEBOOK is not working.
No one comes with a clear history button. So you have to accept their past
I`m sorry I hurt your feelings. When I called you stupid, I really thought you already knew.
The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.
Your grades are only higher because im lazy.
The phrase `I need to talk to you.` has the ability to strike fear into the heart of anyone.
*Ordering food with mom* Me: I want a number 1 with a soda. Mom: We have soda at home. Me: IT`S NOT THE SAME !
That awkward moment when you catch yourself singing a song that you hate.
The sound of children laughing makes me happy. Unless I`m home alone & my power goes out.
LIKE IF Having one of those days where your hair looks like Hagrid`s from Harry Potter.