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YOCO = You`re Only Cute Online.
Deleting one `ha` from from your `hahahhahahaha` because you feel like it`s too much.
How do you know Asians robbed your house? Your cat`s gone and your homework`s done.
Learn from your past, work hard in the present and you will taste success in the future.
"Dude that song is old".... Well so is your mom but you still listen to her:)
Hearing a noise when your home alone and are like, im ready to kick some ass.
Who remembers Hey Arnold? RugRats? CatDog? RocketPower? Kenan & Kel? The Amanda Show?... when Nickelodeon made sense.
I hate it when i make plans, get exitted and my mum says no.
Like if: pretending to look for your "homework" even though you know you don’t have it.
"Guess what?" "What?! You just realized you`re super beautiful? :)"