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That Awkward Moment when you put your wallet back in your jeans before getting your change.
"I wasnt that Drunk". Dude, you told me to give you a ride home... the party was at your house.
That "oh f*ck!" moment when you lean back a little to far in your chair and then gravity takes over.
Make your move before I`m gone, because people change and hearts move on.
where is the logic? 1 hour on the computer feels like 1 minute & 1 minute of studying feels like 1 hour.
If you forget to say "Pika" before you sneeze, you can always just say "bacca"afterwords..
"What`s up cake?" "Muffin much" :)
That awkward moment when you spell a word so wrong even autocorrect can`t figure out what you meant.
The awkward moment when you try to scare someone and it doesn`t work.
Oh, your boyfriend has swag? That`ll pay your bills in 10 years.