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Dear rappers: Please stop rhyming "cool" with "school," "knowledge" with "college," or "beat" with "street." Thanks, -Twitter
I wonder if Asian people make their smileys like: ¦ ) ¦ ( ¦ D
"Okay class, now fold your paper." "Hamburger or hot dog?"
Even when I know you wont text or call me, I still wait and hope that you do.
I love how paper is warm when it comes out of the printer.
People ask me why it`s so hard for me to trust people. I ask them why it`s so hard to keep a promise.
Imagine if someone`s name was Gurt. You`d be all like, "YO, Gurt!"...
Facebook is for friends that are now strangers. Twitter is for strangers that should be your friends.
You know you`re really bored when you start to take a section of your hair and wrap it above your lips and pretend like you have a mustache.
Like if you never actually saw someone slip on a banana peel.