Facebook status

Some people are so poor, all they have is money.
Instead of saying LOL, I`m gonna say SALTS (Smiled A Little Then Stopped) It`s more truthful (:
Why do people in the movies just hang up without saying goodbye?
4 wishes: 1) To earn money without working. 2) To be smart without studying. 3) To love without being hurt. 4) Eat without getting fat.
I always wonder what people think when they first see me.
"Hey can I borrow a pencil?" "Yeah, but it doesn`t have an eraser." "Life doesn`t have an eraser." "Dude.... That was deep. Here you go"
That urge you get to write "No one gives a shit" on someone`s status.
Those cheap pencils with erasers that screw up the paper more than the mistake you want to erase
95% of people text things they could never say in person..
That awesome feeling when someone`s making an effort to make you smile.