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Imagine if someone`s name was Gurt. You`d be all like, "yo, Gurt!"...
The annoying moment when the TV commercials are so long that you forget what you’re watching..
That awkward moment, where theres an awkward moment, and everyone knows it`s an awkward moment, then somebody says, "AWWWKKKKWAAARRDD!"
LIKE IF Even when I have nothing to do, I still don`t do my homework.
Dude, chill. It`s P.E not the Olympics.
That awkward moment when something wasn`t awkward until someone said it was..
LIKE IF: I change the date on my homework to make it seem like I did it earlier.
That awkward moment when your teacher says you can work with a partner & you look at your friend,but your friend is looking at someone else
LIKE IF:I love the kid in class who asks the teacher stupid questions just to waste time.
I wish my eyes could take photos.