Facebook status

I’m A Smart Person….I just do stupid things.
Teacher: "I am beautiful. What tense is this?" Student: "Obviously past."
*Finds out crush isn`t at school today* "Damn wasted outfit"
Some people`s relationship status should be "in a relationship with ___, while cheating with ____"
I hate when my parents never let me go anywhere and then ask me why I`m always on the computer.
Sometimes I wonder if teachers gossip about students in the break room.
LIKE IF:When I was younger I used to draw the sun in the corner of the paper. ALWAYS.
Need an ark? I Noah a guy.
iF ShE sTilL wRitES LiKE ThiS sHe iS tOo yOunG FOr YoU BrO.
Dear strobe lights, thank you for making any dance look awesome. Sincerely, people who can`t dance.