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Group projects: one person does all the work. Everyone takes credit.
I don`t hate you, I just...never mind I hate you.
LIKE IF:Disagreeing with someone just to annoy them.
The only thing "Fat" about Adele is her paycheck. ;)
Did you know that if you open your mouth and stick your tongue out, you can`t breathe?.
............................... Good dog!
I love using big words to sound smart. I mean utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
It`s funny how someone can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the broken pieces.
Some people sing in the shower. I perform concerts in the shower. ;)
We only have one Mom and one Dad, no matter how mad you get at them and how annoying they are sometimes, never stop loving them.
That awkward moment when you have a lot of homework.... and you`re reading this.