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"My memory is so bad" " how bad is it?" "how bad is what?"
Dear "cool people", They didn`t name a candy after you, did they? Sincerely, Nerds.
LIKE IF:When I`m expecting a text, I constantly feel my phone vibrate even though it isn`t.
That awkward moment when you`re laughing at a joke and then you realize its about you.
That awkward moment when your stomach gurgles loudly during the most quiet situations
We all have that song that tears us to pieces but we all listen to it anyways.
LIKE IF:I don`t care how old I am, whenever I see a bubble, I will hunt the bastard down and kill it.
That awkward moment when someone takes your joke way too seriously.
The feeling you get after finishing your last exam.
School uses a lot of paper, paper comes from trees, trees give us oxygen, we need oxygen to live. Do the teacher wants us to die?