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Out of curiosity, I entered the word idiot into my GPS just to see what happens and guess what??? Put the kettle on cause I`m outside your place .
If life throws you lemons, make lemonade. Then use the profits to buy The company Life works for and Fire Life from it, That`ll teach the bitch
Dude...I was there.... don`t try to change the story.
Every girl has three guys in her life: The one she loves. The one she hates. The one she can’t live without.
Math. The only place where people buy 60 watermelons and no one wonders why.
"Dude she just called you fat!" "OH HELL NO, Hold my cake!"
"You look tired! " - It`s just a polite way to tell someone that they look like shit!
LIKE IF: *alarm*... *snooze*.... *alarm*.... *snooze*.... *alarm*.. *checks time*... "Oh shit"
Whoever said white men can`t jump has clearly never played Temple Run..
"There`s DIE in DIET"