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"Why are you late to class ?" "HAHAHA bro, you`re lucky i came to school !"
LIKE IF: Ok, Mom, I`m awake. *go back to sleep*
LIKE if:I have thousands of songs on my iPod but I only listen to like 30...
No mom, you`re mad because you`re wrong, not because I`m talking back.
10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Today we have no Jobs, no Cash and no Hope.
LIKE IF: Creating nickname for your crush, that only you and your friends know.
Let`s just stay friends = Let`s never talk again.
LIKE iF At one point in time you were obsessed with talking in a British accent.
LIKE IF:We all have that one teacher who`s like: "Don`t pack up yet. There`s still 11 seconds of class left..."
1997: It`s my life, it`s now or never. I ain`t gonna live forever. I just wanna live while I`m alive. 2012: YOLO