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Temple run = A pointless game thats "very" addicting.
"H3y wUt r yhu dOing?" ... about to throw a dictionary in your face.
Women`s logic: When you like a guy, do nothing about it and expect him to magically know and make the first move.
Sometimes, not saying anything is the best answer. You see, silence can never be misquoted.
Don’t ever be someone you aren’t, because then you’ll never know you who really are.
Don’t ever hide your feelings. Because someone’s willing to hear them.
It is difficult to be stupid... competition is huge.
LIKE if: When I was a kid, I wished that my friends` houses were connected to mine by secret underground passageways.
*ABRACADABRA*............... Nope, you`re still a bitch.
No I`m not crazy, I`m normal with a splash of Awesome.