Facebook status

"I don`t need to write that down, I`ll remember it." = My biggest lie.
LIKE IF:People who wait 4 hours to reply to a text with "lol" should be shot.
Turn up the music and turn down the drama.
No, No, I get it. You can ignore me all the time, but if I ignore you, It`s a big deal.
Excuse me, Miss, you`ve got a little bit of face on your makeup there.
I deserve so much more for the sacrifices I have made, but I have learned life is not fair and neither is love.
Friends make the bad times good and the good times unforgettable.
LIKE if you also Trying to complete tasks before the microwave hits 00:00 like your life depends on it.
Oh, you`re a model? What`s your agency? Instagram?
That awkward moment when you`re mad at someone, and then they make you laugh.