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Name your iPod `Titanic`, plug it into the computer, "Titanic is syncing", press cancel, feel like a hero.
Sometimes silence is the best way to let someone know they did you wrong.
They should have cell phone chargers in waiting rooms instead of magazines.
LIKE IF:When people come over, and your mum suddenly becomes the nicest woman in the world.
Teacher: "You`re here to learn." Student: "No, we`re here because it`s the law."
People make too many Harry Potter jokes. Like Siriusly.
For you, I was just a chapter. But for me, you were the whole book.
Thank goodness pets can’t talk, they all know too much.
"But they dared me to” is always a valid excuse.
Deodorant → \o/
No deodorant → ~\o/~