Facebook status
Mom:Hey Son
Son:Hey Mom
Mom:Are You Home?
Son:No i`m At Wal-Mart
I feel like grabbing a random kid by the shoulders and screaming, "I`m you from the future!" :D
Isn`t it ironic that I hate math, but I love counting money.
If people in horror movies listened to me, they`d still be alive.
"Wow you`re cool." LIKE if you read that in a sarcastic voice.
LIKE IF: Saying "what" but then one second later realizing what they said.
Everyone says love is blind but I say life is blind without love.
My homework brings all the Asians to the yard, and they`re like "It wasn`t that hard.". . .
LIKE IF: Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts.
I only party on days that end in "y". :)