Facebook status
LIKE IF: Looking more at yourself than at the other person while video calling on Skype.
"Dude, you`re singing the wrong words" " No i`m not, I`m making a remix"
That awkward moment when someone steals your status, and gets more likes than you.
That awkward moment when someone tells you to stop apologizing and you reply by saying, “I’m sorry.”
LIKE IF : Even with this; -✂------- I still can`t cut the line straight
Algebra rule → If it seems easy, you`re doing it wrong.
Friend: Shares a bag of chips*...Best friends: *Eats them all, then gives you the empty bag* "You can have the rest."
You know you`re talented when you can untangle your headphones in the dark.
Everyone has that “make the other person sound incredibly stupid” voice when describing an argument.
IDGAF = I don`t give away food.