Facebook status
No matter how old you are... if a little kid shoots you with a toy gun, you act dead.
That awkward penguin run you do when you have a backpack on.
A cop pulled me over and said ``Papers...`` So I said, ``Scissors, I win!`` and drove off like a boss!
The awkward moment when you accept a compliment that wasn`t meant for you.
This status is so good you will read it twice, this status is so good you just read it twice.
I`m super lazy today, which is like normal lazy but I`m also wearing a cape.
I love it when I buy a bag of air, and the company is nice enough to put a couple chips in it.
If students secretly think teachers are hot... I wonder, if teachers secretly think students are hot?
LIKE IF: Making up a whole story in your head, hoping one day it will happen.
Clapping the longest during an assembly because you`re a fearless bastard.