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When a teacher asks: Where is your homework? Answer: I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren`t the best teacher in the school!
I don`t have ex`s, I have y`s. Y the hell did I do that...?
Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.
hello`s goodbye`s, aren`t worth the pain when someone you love isn`t coming along for the ride
Roses are red, You have a phone, But nobody texts you..... Forever alone.
"Do you sell couches? Because you`re sofa king stupid."
I envy my parents...My children will never be as cool as theirs.
So the other day, my Arab neighbour was out on his balcony shaking out his rug. I turned to him and asked, "What`s wrong, Ahmed? Won`t it start?"
you should have a license plate number to say I FORGOT so when some calls the police they say I FORGOT!
You smile I smile, you get hurt I get hurt, you cry I cry, you jump off a bridge, I`m gonna miss you buddy...