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be sure to taste your words before you spit them out.
Some people are real. Some people are good. Some people are fake and some people are real good at being fake.
Lazy rule = If you spill water, it will eventually dry.
Googling your symptoms when you don`t feel well is the most efficient way to convince yourself you`re dying.
LIKE IF :Stupid conversations make sense when you are talking to someone special.
That awkward moment when you catch someone`s eye when they`re picking their nose.
Me: "Let`s settle this the mature adult way." Friend: "Rock, paper, scissors?" Me: "No bitch! Eenie meenie miney mo."
LIKE IF:When I clear my calculator I press the button at least 10 times just to be sure.
Don`t find love, let love find you. That`s why they call it falling in love. You don`t force yourself to fall, you just fall....
When you see something cute and you`re like kjhgjdfshegfxebzaah this thing is so cute!!