Facebook status
"Can I ask u something?" "Aren`t you already asking..."
When I hear myself eating crunchy food, I wonder if people can hear it too.
That awkward moment when you realize every house has a particular smell, but you can`t even smell the one at your house.
She has PMS and a GPS. That means she`s a bitch & she will find you.
Stop using "YOLO" as an excuse to act stupid.
type this `zerg rush` on google search and wait for 5 sec ..then see what happens.....
I have a new drink! I call it the Bin Laden. Its two shots and a splash of water.
Facebook turns 30 minutes of homework into 2 hours of homework.
Haahahahahabananahahahahaha!!! LIKE if you didnt notice it said `banana` in the middle.
The only thing more popular than Facebook`s "like" button, is Myspace`s "delete account" button.