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What does Winnie the Pooh call his Grandma......... Pooh nanny
Calm down, if your heart was really broken, you’d be dead.
That annoying moment when you take your headphones out of your pocket and they`re tangled into a trillion knots!
Wanting someone to say a certain thing because you have the perfect answer.
When you want to secretly listen to a conversation, put some headphones in and pretend you are listening to music...
Dear life, when I said "Can my day get any worse?"...it was a rhetorical question not a challenge.
Your birth year (last two numbers) + Your age = 112 LIKE if I`m right..??
Women`s logic: When you like a guy, do nothing about it and expect him to magically know and make the first move.
*Taking a test* If the answer is false, please explain. Answer: True
The awkward moment when a teacher pronounces your name wrongly and you don`t know if you should correct it.