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That awkward moment when someone yells at you for clicking your pen and you have to click it one more time to use it.
That awkward moment when my parents see the " taking-a-break" part and not the actual studying.
That awkward moment when Pinocchio and Voldemort meet.
PERSON: "So who`s your favorite band?" ME: "That`s like asking a mother who her favorite child is, it doesn`t work that way."
2pac + Eminem + 50 cent = 2 packs of M&M`s for 50 cents.
LIKE IF: Parents Say "It`s My House" But When Time To Clean "Its Your House Too"
Teacher: "What is something you need that you can`t see or feel?" Student: "Air." Me: "Wifi."
Bathroom: A talented secret place where you can Sing, Dance, Act & even take most important Life decisions.. :D
I offended you with my opinion? You should hear the ones I kept to myself.
Texting with your pinky finger because you`re eating