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LIKE IF you sneak food into movie theaters. $4 for a pack of skittles? My ass.
I hate when a shower only has 2 options: 3rd degree burns or skinny dipping in Antarctica...
The less you say, the more people will listen.
Common sense is so rare it should be classified as a "Super-Power".
The awkward moment when your boyfriend`s hair is better than yours
I`m not clumsy, It`s just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the walls get in the way.
You never know how strong you are- until being strong is the only choice you have
LOVE? Its only a chapter in boys life. But for a girl? Its a whole book
LIKE IF:I`m on Twitter because my family is on Facebook.
LIKE IF:Being there for people, because you know what it`s like to have no one. ♥