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I love using big words to sound smart. I mean utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
Today I sent out a text saying, “Hey, I lost my phone, will you call it?” 12 people called me…I need smarter friends
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
If you say “Gullible” slowly, it sounds like “Oranges”.
I can’t believe it’s 2012 and there is still no fold button on my dryer.
That awkward moment when you’re telling your friend something hilarious and they are just like, ‘You already told me…’
I wonder why that missing sock you are looking for appears a week after you throw away the other one...
That Empty Feeling When You Don`t Get A Window Seat On The Bus.
Remember those fights we had as kids. Who was smarter? boys or girls?.... lets face it guys. we lost that battle a lonnnnggg time ago...
I hate it when someone turns the lights on while I`m asleep. And I`m all like (o___-)