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The special moment when silly rabbit found there are supermarkets which sell trix
Doctor: "You`re having twins!"
*Blonde starts to cry*
Doctor: "Aren`t you happy?"
Blonde: "I am, but I don`t know who the second father is!"
We`re friends. You laugh, I laugh. You cry, I cry. You jump off a bridge, I get on my boat and save your retarded ass.
I really hate when someone makes plans with me, then cancels them last minute. Bitch, I even showered for you...
is Spending more time formatting a document than actually working on it...
Life is NOTHING like Burger King. You can never have it your way.
A relationship is more than finding the right person, itÂ’s also about BEING the right person.
People are like music, some speak the truth and others are just noise.
1f you c4n r34d 7h15 you r34lly n33d t0 g3t 0ff 7h3 c0mpu73r. like if you get it.
No no keep talking. I always yawn when I`m interested.