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It`s not flirting. It`s just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive.
A teenager, someone who is well prepared for a zombie attack but not ready for tomorrows math test.
The scariest thing about distance is that you don’t know whether they will miss you or forget you.
The awkward moment when you wake up at and think, where the heck did my pillow go?
It`s the possibility of making a dream come true that makes life interesting.
By not being Mainstream, you are actually being Mainstream...
"My house is boring." "So is mine." "Yeah but you have food so I`m coming over."
That awkward moment in public when you call your girlfriend, say "Hey Baby!" while a guy next to you answers his girlfriend "Hey Sweetheart!"
"Having this feeling tonight is gonna be one of the.................."
we don`t always get what we want - sometimes, we get something better :)