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Respect is earned, Honesty is appreciated, Love is gained and Loyalty is returned.
I HATE WHEN I really want to say something. But then the topic changes.
In school, if you take too long in the bathroom, everyone thinks you pooped!
You never realize what you have till it`s gone. Toilet paper is a good example.
You are honestly the weirdest fucking person I know... And that is why we are best friends.
I`m in my bed, you`re in yours. One of us is OBVIOUSLY in the wrong place.
Coffee shops should have a separate line for people who are late for work.
Girls who say, "a lot of guys are after me", should keep in mind that low prices always attract many customers.
"Why didn`t you reply to my text?" "Dude! How am I supposed to reply to LOL?"
Proving a woman wrong is the most difficult thing in world.