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Just because I don`t start the conversation, doesn`t mean I`m not dying to speak to you.
LIKE IF you have those nights where you have second thoughts about everything and nothing feels right...
Parents are out... nobody`s home.... KARAOKE TIME :D
Of course gay guys dress well… they didn’t spend all that time in the closet doing nothing.
Friend: "Hey, did you ask yet?" Me: "No, my mom is in a bad mood."
My haters only have one advantage over me. They can kiss my ass, I can`t.
I`m pretty much talentless. I can`t sing, I can`t act, I can`t dance, I can`t do magic tricks. Hell, I can barely cook Ramen noodles.
When you`re at someone`s house? Normal people: "What a lovely house!" Me: "What`s your WIFI password?"
Girls: Why are all boys so shallow. Girls: Ew that boy doesn’t even have a six pack...
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