Facebook status

Every girl is a ninja...It shows when someone touches her phone or her boyfriend.
China is only winning in the Olympics because they made all the equipment.
Who else finds it kinda funny that McDonalds sponsers the Olympics?
That annoying moment when you cannot find the long side of your blanket.
Anyone else hate tomatoes but like ketchup?
LIKE IF: I can sit in front of my TV watching documentaries and shit for hours.
World population rank? 1) China. 2) India. 3) Facebook. 4) USA 5) Indonesia. 6) Brazil. 7) Twitter.
Every girl wants to hear her guy say, "The next girl I’ll ever love will be our daughter."
LIKE IF : You + Your best friend = Fun and trouble.
"Hey come with me to the store." "NO!" "I`ll buy you something." "Ok"