Facebook status

You always know you`re in trouble, when your friend is staring off in space and gives you a creepy smile.
Person 1: Can I ask you a question?
Person 2: You just did.
Person 1: Can I ask another?
Person 2: You just did again.
Person 1: I give up.
is 50 percent single
-Chandra Bhushan
Dear Gay Men, please stop being so much kinder, funnier and more attractive than straight men. It’s depressing. Sincerely, All Single Women.
When life gives you lemons, take it, it’s free.
Dear crush, Fall in love with me.
The most terrifying question a woman can ask a man: "Notice anything different?"
The super awkward moment when you call your teacher `mom`.
Happy people listen to the music, sad people listen to the lyrics.
August is the Sunday of summer