Facebook status
"You go ask my mom." "Why!?" "Because she won`t say `No` to you."
When your teacher gives a 30 minute speech about not wasting time.
Those days when you wake up in the morning and suddenly hate everyone.
"Twitter is stupid!" *one month later* "DUDE, I can`t stop tweeting!" Who remembers saying this?.
Whether they step into your story for minutes or years..everyone that crosses your path serves a purpose.
3 Basic lessons that some people really need to learn : Think before you speak. Admit your mistake. Say "I`m sorry".
Going back to school, feeling all serious about it, but then after like a week you can't hold it in and you muck around again;)
I need to find a status that`s cool, funny and slick...wait I just described myself ;)
One Direction? Well we know it ain`t straight...
LIKE IF: When a person is getting called for something, I always stand in the back and scream "SHE DOESN`T EVEN GO HERE!"