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I`m not hiding anything, but stop looking at my phone while I`m texting.
Sometimes there`s a song that reminds you of someone that you just can`t forget.
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead to the belief that you can sing.
I`m in a serious relationship with my wifi. You could say we have a…connection.
Boys, if you don`t look like Calvin Klein models, don`t expect us girls to look like Victoria`s Secret angels.
Kid: "I got 87% on the test and you?" Me: "125%." Kid: "How!? There was no extra credit!" Me: "I just put Chuck Norris for every answer."
We are afraid to care too much, for fear the other person doesn’t care at all.
That awesome moment when the person you miss randomly texts you.
On Christmas Eve, I asked for the most awesomest person on earth. The next day I woke up in a box.
"When you let failure recruit you success will lose you"