Facebook status
Actually no, my status/tweet wasn`t aimed at you, but hey, if the shoe fits, feel free to wear it.
Guilty people answer questions with a question.
They should have cell phone chargers in waiting rooms instead of magazines.
Admit it, you have that one voice that you only use on animals and babies..
*When My Name`s In A Math Problem* Class: *Stares At Me* Me: That`s Right Bitches. I Bought 60 Watermelons.
I`m more confused than a homeless person on house arrest.
I hate when I`m singing and some idiot thinks they can join in with me... BITCH THIS IS NOT GLEE!
Dreams are one of the most common ways your heart tries to tell you what it wants.
I`m never wrong. One time, I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken…
Yo mama`s so dumb, she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.