Facebook status

You said it was a long story, but you told me and it took about 10 seconds.
Mom: I'm going to the store
Me: come back with some coke
(10 minutes later).... she comes back with diet
That annoying moment when you cant remember if you`ve checked this status or not.
Do you want some chips with your salt there?
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but heres some bisto, now make me gravy
"Dude, she just called you irresponsible!" "OH HELL NO! Hold my- wait...WHERE DID IT GO??!!"
Oprah makes: $315,000,000/year $26,000,000/month $6,000,000/week $850,000/day $35,000/hour $600/minute $10/second Jealous? Me too.
"Can I help you Sir?" "No, I just waited in line for 30 Fucking minutes to say Hi.
Friday! My second favorite F word.
"I don`t know... let`s Yahoo it!" - Said by no one, ever.