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That awkward moment when your screen freezes on an embarrassing website.
"Can I copy your homework?" "Yeah but the answers are probably all wrong." "I don`t care, thanks!"
I enjoy long ,romantic walks to the fridge ;)
LIKE IF: Standing in the shower thinking "I really need a chair in here."
Saying "Wow, You`re cool." when you see someone doing something stupid.
That moment when you have so much shit to do, but you decide to take a nap instead.
That awkward moment when your phone rings in a church. Even more awkward when your ringtone is Judas by Lady Gaga.
Seeing an attractive person in public and thinking "Damn, I`ll never see them again."
Your parents are hiding your Hogwarts acceptance letter because they`re jealous.
Guys need to realize that girls don`t want to be treated like a fragile bubble.