Facebook status
I just burned 1200 calories. I forgot the pizza in the oven.
That awkward moment when you`re reading someone`s shirt & it looks like you`re looking at their boobs.
$19.99 because $20 is an outrageous amount of money.
Facebook should allow you to automatically un-friend your Ex from all of your friends.
"Is there gonna be food?" "Yeah" "Ok then i`m coming ."
I’m in shape. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong one.
I hate when new parents ask who the baby looks like. It was born 15 minutes ago, it looks like a potato.
I don`t have an attitude problem, you have a problem with my attitude. That`s your problem, not mine.
Dear dreams, stop ending right when I get to the good part!
I want a cute, long relationship where everyone is like "damn, they`re still together?"