Facebook status

Be proud of who you are and don't let haters bring you down.
No matter how old you are, whenever you walk into a glass door you pretend like you meant to do that.
Whats more awkward, answering Dora, or sitting in silence while she stares at you?
Alcohol is the liquid version of Photoshop.
If girls were as nice to each other in real life as they are in Facebook comments, think how different the world would be .
They say that money can`t solve problems, but I`m pretty sure it would solve my money problem.
Never play scrabble with Lil Wayne. He makes up too many words.
The robot that `NASA` sent to Mars has 14 years of battery.. ..they should build smartphones.
My First FACEBOOK STATUS in 2013 will be . "IS ANYONE ALIVE ???"
LIKE IF:Before starting any chapter, I count the number of pages!