Facebook status
I`m sure the people who work at Starbucks think, "I`m so damn tired of these kids coming in here and taking pictures of their coffee."
It’s too bad your funny status was ruined by your inability to spell.
Sometimes I wish I was an octopus, so I could slap 8 people at once :)
That awkward moment when you don`t remember how to set your alarm clock anymore.
Bitch, please. You`re as useless as the `G` in `Lasagna.`
Admit it you listen to other strangers conversations and mentally give your opinion .
There`s a little "I`m jealous" in every "whatever."
People born in 1994-1999 have lived in three decades, two centuries, and two millenniums. And they are not even 18 yet. We`re just that cool...
Being nice to the people you don`t like isn`t called 2 faced, its called growing up.
is Trying to delete useless characters in a tweet to make it under the 140 limit.