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I <3 you Because I <3 you
Happiness is having a dream you cannot let go of and a partner who would never ask you to.
LIKE IF: Sitting in your towel for ages because you`re too lazy to get dressed.
For some reason, my nose only itches when my hands are busy carrying stuff.
It`s impossible to say, "I wasn`t talking to you" politely.
You`re just a little bundle of bitch today, aren`t you?
Is it called "bling" because he can`t spell "jеwelry"?
Dear sleep, I know we had some issues when I was a kid, but now I love you.
If a single teacher can’t teach all the subjects, then how could you expect a single student to learn all subjects??
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: 20 pencils, 164 crayons, 45 pens, 10 rulers, 12 notebooks.. MIDDLE OF MARCH: 1 pencil you found on the ground in science class.