Facebook status

lets have a sleepover and ignore each other while we tweet and occasionally show each other funny tweets
i hate it that he doesn`t care about my feelings
If you do not enjoy what you are doing, you will never be good at it.
To tell if a person is interested in a conversation, cross your arms. If they do the same then they`re interested.
Sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while.
I seriously admire people who wear crop tops & low waisted pants, that shit requires extreme levels of courage that I will never have
I stay in shape by running from commitment
where did all your money go?

i’m either wearing it, or i ate it.
I`m the type of person to go the extra mile for someone who wouldn`t even cross the street for me.
People who respond to your weird facial expressions with equally weird facial expressions are the best kind of people