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Mission Impossible: Ordering something at Subway without saying, "ummmm"
During Exams there is always one song, that stuck in my head when i`m trying to remember the answer.
The awkward moment when you say `hi` to a kid, and they just stare at you.
"It`s impossible." said pride. "It`s risky." said experience. "It`s pointless." said reason. "Give it a try." whispered the heart...
*Mom enters room* *Hides iPod under my pillow like a ninja*
LIKE IF: I raise my hand to answer easy questions, so the teacher won`t bother me with hard ones later.
I found the Twitter of the Sexist person alive. I tried to follow, but all it says is "Edit your profile".
When your parents start typing www, and you have a little heart attack :O
Think of a number. Double it. Add six. Half it. Take away the number you started with. Your answer is three. Isn`t it mind blowing?
Nerd style of flirting: "I wish I could select all of your clothes and press delete."