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All day → Tired. When it`s time to go to bed → Not tired!
Things I`ve learned in school: if the homework is study or read... you don`t have any homework.
Me: I`m just gonna take a quick 10 minute nap
*Wakes up April 13 2079*
Toilet paper is a lot like money... You never seem to have any when you need it most!
Whoever is reading this, you are beautiful and someone out there is crazy about you. So smile, life is too short to be unhappy.
"Are you jealous?" - "Nope" - "Are you jealous?" - "I said NO!" - "Okay, give me a kiss?" - "Go ask your `friend` for a kiss"
Direct eye contact can either be really cute, awkward, or creepy.
"What did you buy me for my birthday?" "You see that pink Mercedes over there?" "OMG! Yes!" "Well I bought you a toothbrush the same color"
Dear God, Today I woke up. I am alive. I am healthy. Can`t ask for more. Thank you.
If I text you "heyy :)" and you reply with "hi", I`m done taking to you.