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Dear Facebook, I heard Twitter`s replacing you. Hell yeah, karma`s a b*tch! Sincerely, MySpace.
"Dad can I have some Jordans?" "Jordans? What do you need vans for? Sketchers are more than enough. Here, have some Crocs."
once upon a time, i fell in love with the WRONG PERSON.
Just had a salad..... better chase it with a few chocolate chip cookies.
Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batman.. Then be Batman.
Why is YOLO popular all of a sudden? Was there seriously a problem of people thinking we lived twice?
I`m going to stand outside. So if anyone asks, I am outstanding :)
It seems like everybody is in a relationship or in love. I’m just here like, "I like that tree. That`s a nice tree...”
Person: Go to Hell...
Me: as long as you wont be there...
10% of conflict is due to difference of opinion. 90% is due to the wrong tone of voice!