Facebook Smart statuses

You need to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you`re truly happy. If you can`t say yes right away, then it`s time for change.
Be Different And You`ll Always Stand Out!
“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”
"A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine de Saint Exupery
"Doing your best is more important than being your best." - Shannon Miller
"Dreaming big means planning big." - Patrick Llewellyn
If you are not enjoying the journey, you probably won`t enjoy the destination.
"You don`t need every investor to believe that you can succeed. You only need one." - Ben Horowitz
You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. -Henry Ford
To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking. - Johann von Goethe

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