Facebook Smart statuses

Accept no one`s definition of your life; define yourself. - Harvey Fierstein
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Theodore Roosevelt
Stop planting flowers in people`s yards who aren`t going to water them.
"Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Whatever your goal, you can get there if you`re willing to work." - Oprah Winfrey
It is better to stir up a question without deciding it, than to decide it without stirring it up.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Now is the time. Needs are great, but your possibilities are greater." - Bill Blackman
"Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value." - Jim Rohn
"You make the decisions to fulfill, to whatever extent, the potential life that exists within you." - Hans Decoz

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