Facebook Smart statuses

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress." - Frederick Douglass
"Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do." - Buddha
"Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible." - Frank L. Gaines
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
"The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. -Eleanor Roosevelt
Choose a job you love, & you will never have to work a day in your life. - Confucius
You can`t help someone who`s not willing to help themselves.
"If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be." - Maya Angelou
Don`t use your body as if it is the best thing about you, and don`t treat it as if it is the worst.

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