Facebook Woman status

Guys have no idea how long something they said can stay in a girls head
Don`t hold my hand if you aren`t willing to take everything that comes with it
They`re called "skinny jeans" not "make you skinny jeans".
When a girl says, "I`m done," it really means, "fight for me."
A real woman avoids drama, she knows her time is precious and she`s not wasting it on unimportant people or things.
Boys are players; that`s a known fact; don`t get mad at them; just play them back.
If you leave without a reason, Don`t come back with an excuse.
Behind every hurt, sad, depressed girl who has no trust for guys is the dirt bag that made her that way.
Every girl has her bestfriend, her boyfriend, and her love. If she`s lucky, they`re all the same person.
Girls are like bluetooth, they are connected to you when you are around and when you are gone they find new ones but boys are like wifi, they are connected to different devices.