Facebook Woman status

Honestly, I`d pick cookies over boys anyday.
If a man wants me, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn`t want me, nothing can make him stay.
A boy is his cutest when he`s jealous, because at that moment you realize he really cares.
GIRLS: Never expect someone to treat us like we’re worth it if we treat ourselves like we`re worthless.
I`m not a jealous person. I would just love to punch every other girl that gives you a second look
Every girl deserves someone to remind her that she`s beautiful.
LADIES: It`s not about the makeup, but the confidence you gain in between.
I want to know what goes through a boys mind when he starts falling for a girl.♥
"I`m not like most girls." -Most girls.
The things that guys say without thinking are the things girls remember the most.

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