Facebook Woman status

Wanting to talk him, but at the same time you don`t want to because you think you`re kinda annoying.
A Real Boyfriend would try finding new ways to impress his girl even after he has her. ♥
The moment when you`re wondering if you should text him...then he texts you.. And your face lights up and all seems right with the world.
No dad, not every guy I talk to or hang out with is my boyfriend..
Not every single girl is searching, some are actually single and satisfied.
Dear guys, getting a lot of girls isn`t something you should be proud of. Keeping one is.
A girl`s daily routine = Boys + Books + School + Looking good + Music + Gossip + Food + Facebook + Problems.
I`m tired of looking for the perfect guy, from now on he can look for me.
Don`t expect her to be perfect, if you want a perfect girlfriend. Go buy a barbie.
He`s cute. He`s tall. He`s got gorgeous eyes. And a stunning smile. I didn`t say a name, but he popped in your head, didn`t he?

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